
[] 求GBT制作《阿达尼亚的守护者》完美中文汉化完整硬盘版


中文名称: 阿达尼亚的守护者
英文名称: Defenders of Ardania
游戏类型: SLG 策略游戏
资源格式: 压缩包
版本: 简体中文汉化完整硬盘版/ 更新3DM蒹葭汉化版汉化修正补丁
发行时间: 2011年11月25日
制作发行: Most Wanted
Paradox Interactive
地区: 美国
语言: 简体中文

3DM蒹葭汉化组制作《阿达尼亚的守护者》内核汉化简体中文版发布 [已整合S组1号升级破解档 因汉化需要替换的文件接近游戏本身体积 故不再单独发布汉化补丁]

PS: 仅适用于安装过3DM蒹葭汉化组汉化版v1.0的玩家使用





转自游侠NETSHOW论坛 http://game.ali213.net/
英文名称:Defenders of Ardania
游戏制作:Most Wanted Entertai nment
游戏发行:Paradox Interactive


翻译:“core71”,“wind0071”,“cherylice”,“freeze2011”, “ewordghost”,“zhj112026”,“kingdom827”

  Paradox Interactive日前公布了旗下首款iPad游戏《阿达尼亚的守护者(Defenders of Ardania)》及首批游戏截图,该作是一款设定在“王权”游戏系列世界的塔防游戏,同时还将在今夏登陆PC平台。XBLA和PSN版也在开发中。


发帖时间:2012-04-01 01:02:48   |   回复数:23
2012-4-1 #2楼
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2012-4-2 #3楼
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2012-4-4 #4楼
作者: 艾金升  发表时间 2011-08-07 09:18:14 人气: 编辑按:     秦淮河,是南京的母亲河。陈传席在《悔晚斋臆语》里有过这样的描述:“楚亡以后一十三年,乃秦三十六年,始皇东巡,自江乘渡,望气者云:‘五百年后,金陵有天子气。’因凿钟阜,burberry,断金陵长垄以通流,至今呼为秦淮”。至南唐和明初筑城后,河分内外。未入城一支为外秦淮,是南京城的护城河。流入城内一支为内秦淮,自东水关入城,经夫子庙折向西北由西水关出城与淮水汇合,全长十里,也就是眼前素称“十里珠帘”的秦淮河。
    和朋友从夫子庙出来,沿着秦淮河岸慢慢散步。周围人头攒动,如画的景色让人眼前一亮。河岸两畔“青砖小瓦马头墙,burberry soldes,回廊挂落花格窗”,这是典型的徽派建筑风格,清雅却不失细致,婉约而独见风姿。茶楼酒肆的参差错落,檐牙朱栏的叠加高啄,与河上横跨的拱桥、高悬的红灯、紫灰的芦穗、青翠的蒲草、鲜艳的画舫相得益彰。朋友看出了我的心思,笑着说:“这不算什么,到了晚上,彩灯齐开,那才美呢!”
    我替她感到悲哀的是在大明江山风雨飘摇,朝不保夕之时,她拼死保持着的民族气节到头来全成了荒诞和自嘲。在她和恋人侯方域在为抗清复明奔走呼号之际,这时竟是大明的官僚前来逼婚,以致血溅纸扇,supra shoes,染作点点桃花,她和她的姐妹们拼命挽救的国家竟而深深地作践了她们。
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2012-4-7 #8楼
the first round of wage adventure, law guy run into the journalism department sister

first met chen ningning is large sweating on the road sent gifts, a men's skincare brand promotion activities, chen ningning task now is sent out 100 sets of gifts, but to stay at least 30 customer telephone. for the gifts we have always been like, but one to leave the phone, many people began to hesitate, for fear that the future is endless telemarketing quite understand this point chen ningning, so when people want to call her very subtle, expressed reluctance to stay the phone, and she smiled back, feel very comfortable. chen ningning,

is always not refuse others, never embarrassing, everything can stand other people's point of view, remember that girlfriends like her is a typical sunflower girl. several people to work with her to complete the task back, only she had a phone do not get the may be heaven for her torture, from 29,casque beats, the accumulation to 30 overflights of this qualitative after 40 minutes, she secretly determined, must be less than five minutes to get on in front of that white clothes, seems like a very kind person.

this seems a very kind person ningning, chen zhen lu, she did not know he is with her school faculty of law third-year seniors, the eloquence of school debate competition champion. chen ningning politely, her heart secretly pray do not refuse me, i would like to work! lu seismic asked. lu zhen fan disease, the ability of this eloquent give him that a lot of trouble.

chen ningning very depressed, this is the most unruly customers has been met her promotion. chen ningning completely given up, she hung his little head piteously, said: the results of lu zhen chen ningning the hands of the address book, tease you, do not be so uptight. chen ningning thought, this man is more free, even the street promoters have to tease, but still smiling with bow and say thank you,

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chen ningning have big trouble, she sold out things in the supermarket,burberry soldes, supermarkets sirens shrill remembered. stopped by two very strong security chen ningning, chen ningning longer follow, chen ningning did not seriously, but it did not steal anything, perhaps the alarm back occasionally go wrong, who knows chen ningning the goods stay and the package inside, come out when the bell actually rang again, chen ningning very blunt security, said: chen ningning wronged said: security has clearly identified the supermarket chen ningning took things very bluntly put chen ningning away. chen ningning is very odd, but also the face of the two security guards, she was scared, she thought of the alarm of the security, she said: chen ningning law, even law enforcement agencies should be within the provisions of the suspects were searched, and you even the law enforcement agencies are not what searched? do not think touliaodongxi will be fine, go to the office to take a trip! if you have wronged this young lady, i will help her pursue the matter,casque dr dre, when you not even think to escape responsibility. went to the office, lu zhen in

with righteous rhetoric,supra, the supermarket did not dare to make improper hands searched, but the tone of the video surveillance, just to see a tally clerk, standing in the tally on a ladder when a small bag of spices fell down just fell into chen ningning wearing hooded t-shirts, hats, very light, chen ningning did not find. things the truth, the supermarket, said he was sorry, and hope that chen ningning understanding, not to pursue the security kept his head down on the side did not speak. lu zhen chen ningning said: chen ningning is actually a very good talk, things clear up, apologized, so that it can be. touches lu zhen supermarket no longer searched the behavior you have any questions you need to the police in order to avoid future similar thing happen again. chen ningning,

and lu zhen side by side out of the store, chen ningning repeatedly thanks to lu zhen: what do you do the work ah? r department of law at the third grade, lu zhen. chen ningning feel at this moment is really the villagers see fellow ah, lu zhen did not expect that cock to save a school girl. luckily, near misses.

meal, or lu zhen, please, because he said he did want people at school know that he helped a little busy on the bullied school girl invited him to dinner, do not want to exploit chen ningning leaflets in the sun earn that meager income.

the third round of ambiguous sister of the journalism department tangled happiness

met in this there is nothing, the problem is when the department of journalism sunflower girl chen ningning see the faculty of law of the guy lu zhen when an impassioned speech in the debate stage, she suddenly blushed.
recently, she was often in a daze, leisure time often recall the wisdom of the lu shock revealed to the little things in life. i remember the time to rent for the school variety show clothing, many afraid to take action is called lu zhen to help, to where lu zhen took out a small piece of paper written numbers were affixed to each piece of clothing cuff, lu zhen said, such as when your clothes do not have to suffer pieces lapel number. on another occasion, the school organization went to the countryside, girls are smug when lu zhen chen ningning called to tell that she must wear long-sleeved clothes. chen ningning not happy, but still wear results outskirts of one small shrub scratch someone else's arm, chen ningning was able to retrieve their property. chen ningning since the understanding of lu zhen began to sigh, the law faculty of the human brain is really not the same. lu zhen is a very thoughtful person, he manifested in the debate on race domineering in addition, never shown outside of deliberately making things difficult when the first meeting, he was always meticulous care with chen ningning, a lot of time big brother like everything can be solved, whether it is homework or work, if difficult to lu shock can be solved. the

girlfriends to see the clues, both to exhort, boyfriend, girlfriends analysis: second: careful thinking will inevitably lead to can not afford to deceive, while the girls some things are not telling the truth. : the language of rationality will inevitably lead to quarrel, when well-founded, while the girls quarrel often, regardless of right or wrong black and white. chen ningning,

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want, or do not think about anything, perhaps the day so day by day over a good, free time, and zhen lu to shop lift bickering, take to complete their studies, so that everything along its natural, perhaps one day the lu shock will be the first to confession with her time ningning can proudly say: reluctance to accept your the chen ningning said he had a favorite girl,jordan shoes, and his childhood neighbor, a few years ago to study abroad and recently returned. he asked the chen ningning help the selection of clothes and gifts, and because he wants to go and the girl qingsheng. chen ningning very sad, but she still make every effort to help, lu zhen-dressed handsome handsome selection of gift also chose to express the feelings of the blue crystal heart-shaped pendant. lu zhen looked at this pendant and mind, he said: chen ningning chen ningning said: ocean star was silent on the ocean floor to make a century are still like new, crystal clear, and people's expectations of love is the same as you? you get this courtship most successfully. chen ningning very sincere, but was very tangled, and she with the most sincere wishes to their loved ones sent to others around. this is the sunflower block ningning very good, very warm, very caring, very able to smile. lu zhen chen ningning said: original friends i think we learn the law, to determine if they are sad that a person is very simple, is to see with her can not be used to rationally deal with the problem. i think i fell in love with her. chan ningning,

falling out of love, her love is not the beginning of the end, she fell into the most extraordinary and most tawdry love triangle, unfortunately, in this affair, she was the only one not to be loved . chen ningning thought of a good variety of outcome, lu zhen accept her, lu zhen refused her, lu zhen very confused to know what to do,louboutin pas cher, lu zhen said that we just be friends, but had never expected such a result, lu zhen chen ningning the confession intercept the way home, so she said nothing. she would like to simply ignore lu zhen well, let this not the end of the story of a hasty ending, can chen ningning can not, because the the lu shock and not doing anything wrong, she just happens to fall in love with a person who does not love his . so she is still like nothing happened, like doing a warm friend of lu zhen side. fifth round of

learn to smile the one evening the sunflower block
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, lu zhen about chen ningning walk along the beach, along the way do not speak, just a quiet walk, walked the sea edge of lu zhen was stopped. lu zhen looked at the sea, calm chen ningning said: she said she has been like. lu zhen looks very lost, chen ningning find themselves is also not happy to hear this news, also did not have any idea of ??lu zhen to come to her. she comforted lu zhen said: i friends with her when she needs help to come forward. lu zhen sigh breath, gazing at the deep sea: so you want to look at the sea, looking for you distress,louboutin, you will not feel bored? chen ningning,

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chen ningning asked. sunflower color is gorgeous, all it is a splendid, in fact, it is always silently guarding their loved ones. she loved the sun, she can never get, but never followed his rotation. chen ningning seems that lu zhen, but it seems to say. the

chen ningning suddenly remembered a song, mayday good for themselves, although she can smile, comfort lu zhen, her tears like a storm generally flow into the heart. lu zhen's sad comfort to chen ningning, chen ningning sad now what should turn to talk. at the moment, she did not know that she loved him, or he loves her.

she would like this may not be heaven tease, but a sunflower girl should not even fall in love with a sunflower boy, because the sunflower always follow the sun, and two sunflower can never be standing face to face. heard of sunflower is the flower will smile? ningning chen zhen lu said: chen ningning,

and lu zhen stayed overnight at the beach watching the sunset and see the sunrise until the dazzling sun dried their grief, they have learned to smile facing the sea . chen ningning,

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beijing - china does not mind criticism but cannot accept double standards from the foreign media, minister of the state council information office wang chen said on monday.
2012-4-7 #9楼
栏目:情感文章 作者:草屋编辑 时间:2010-05-29 点击: 曾经两个相爱的人,一方提出分手,一方痛苦是肯定了,louboutin。但是,不管有多痛,分手时,你都不要和曾经爱你的人和你爱的说狠话。你好好想想,这个世界上,能伤害到你的人,一定是你爱的人;能让你受伤的人,一定是爱你的人。不然,他怎么有机会在你心上刻下伤痕?他怎么有资格让你在情海浮沉?
爱,本来是快乐的事,现在,被弄成最伤心的事,你以为只是一方的责任吗?现代爱情,不是父母说了算的年代;不是王老虎抢亲的年代,不是下级有意见上级强制打压的时代,一切自由都握在你自己手中。当初和他牵手,casque dr dre,是何等幸福。现在提出分手,也许是你做了让他感到非常失望事。上天给每个人,都预备好一张去地狱的单程车票。关键是,不要把自己当成天使,不然,就有时时被折断翅膀的疼痛。
爱,难分对错,如果你智慧地分清楚了,那就应该学会把错忘记。忘记,是一种精神代谢,一个不会忘却的大脑,doudoune moncler,如同一个只会进气、不会撒气的气球,早晚让你憋闷而亡。其实,你只要知道,并不是所有的情意,都能缠绵;并不是所有的相遇,都能同行;并不是所有的爱恋,都能长厮守;就行了,louboutin。爱人可以走,但是,casque beats,曾经的情意带不走。面对转身的爱情,jordan shoes,真诚地道一声“一路保重”,比硬着心肠说狠话好。
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上一篇:五月,为你奏一曲离歌   下一篇:没有父亲的父亲节
更多推荐文章… 草屋,总有一篇文章或故事让你感动~~ ?就算和你没有结局 我还是喜 ?我的忧伤,你无从知晓 ?夜幕下的幸福 ?细雨如梦 呓语成殇 ?我希望有人在什么地方等我 ?失态一回 ?一针之爱 ?你永远是我心底那抹最疼的暖 ?一段情感的经历相关的主题文章:

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beijing - china does not mind criticism but cannot accept double standards from the foreign media, minister of the state council information office wang chen said on monday.
2012-4-8 #10楼
2012-5-16 #11楼
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  据巴西地理统计局公布的数据显示,2010年巴西实现了拉美最快的经济增长,这主要是受到10.1%的工业增长的推动,polo ralph lauren,农畜牧业也增长了6.5%。
  阿根廷《民族报》3月3日报道 原题:巴西成为世界第七大经济体 巴西今天宣布已成为世界第七大经济体。2010年巴西实现7.5%的经济增长,为近24年来最高水平。

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  巴西财政部长吉多·曼特加说:“如果考虑到物价和购买力等因素,我们的gdp为3.6万亿雷亚尔,abercrombie and fitch,超过法国和英国跃居世界第七大经济体。”


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2012-5-24 #17楼
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2012-5-31 #18楼
5月6日晚,记者赶赴河南南阳市镇平县,采访了一个乡镇的工作人员。工作人员称“有平坟这个事儿,两个星期前开过村支书大会了,正在落实这个事儿。”此工作人员称,各村已经澄清坟墓的底数,镇里已经报到县里了,outlet hogan。“至于如何处理这事儿,那就看上面的决心了,casque beats。”此工作人员坦承,“刨祖坟这事儿不好办,不过领导要是带头刨,大家一看那决心,才能落实下去。”
乡干部称“副处级祖坟”无明文规定 刨坟需要领导带头
从5月3日发了第一篇微博开始,个人简介为河南政协常委、民革河南省委员的网友“赵克罗”关于南阳平坟的微博就没有停过,dolce gabbana。他发的关于平坟微博广为扩散,网友杨桐 (微博)的转载更是被转发6000多次。
2012年4月9日,《南阳日报》发布了当地政府出台的《南阳市深化殡葬改革工作方案》,burberry soldes。文章称:针对偷埋乱葬现象抬头等问题,市委、市政府决定在全市进一步深化殡葬改革,广泛开展墓地复耕还田(林)专项整治活动。
除了国务院规定的可以保留的坟墓外,方案专门规定:知名人士墓等特殊坟墓,应按规定妥善做好保护、迁移或整理工作,casque dr dre
政协常委炮轰南阳平坟运动 称“副处级祖坟”可不动
而方案所称的知名人士等特殊坟墓,就是被赵克罗炮轰的重点,即“副处级祖坟”。连发数篇微博后,beats by dre,赵克罗专门指出,ray ban,他在南阳市镇平县老家的村支书告诉他,chongqing, the first
hand to touch the cotton line soft to the touch, flexible rub off very little fiber. black cotton inelastic rough, rub after a lot of shedding fibers, easily broken.,他作为河南省政协常委,也算是副处级以上的官员,祖坟可以不刨。
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5月6日,赵克罗则删除了第一篇微博,并于上午10点21分发微博致歉,上海部分区禁单身族买第二套房 限购令升级
hand to touch the cotton line soft to the touch, flexible rub off very little fiber. black cotton inelastic rough, rub after a lot of shedding fibers, easily broken.。他说自己原发微博部分失真,即省里领导的说法和“副处级祖坟”的说法只是口传,没有明文规定。而这些的起因都是南阳市对墓地的一个集中整治行动。
杨桐转发的微博称:“某省领导路过南阳,见高速公路沿线坟头较多,遂要求铲平南阳区域所有坟头,通知已在南阳市政府传达至镇平县,现在正统计各村在外副处级以上官员,这些官员家的祖坟不动,只铲平民百姓祖坟。” 此博一出,立刻引起网上的轩然大波,叫骂声不绝于耳。不少网友都在发泄自己的愤怒:要平坟,让官员先把自己的祖坟刨了去……而这些坟墓,hogan,被网友戏称为“副处级祖坟”。
2012-5-31 #19楼
  据查,王某轮番敲诈其中20位明星。王某因涉嫌敲诈勒索被公诉。酒店办公室负责人告诉记者,海南日报记者来到被打砸酒店了解情况。这样的垄断地位,outlet hogan,如其违法行为属实,他当晚朋友聚会喝了三四两白酒。这名驾驶员姓张,他在2007年就开始辍学进城打工。

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